• Fiona ‘Ficus’

  • Bernie ‘Begonia’

    Bernie – Begonia (Polka Dot Begonia)
    Botanical name: Begonia Maculata
    Indoor plant
    Bernie likes her soil to be kept damp, water from beneath allowing her to soak it up from the bottom – do…

  • Freddie ‘Ficus’

    Freddie – Ficus (Weeping Fig)

    Botanical name: Ficus Benjamina

    Indoor plant – she also purifies the air.


    Freddie doesn’t like his soil to be too wet, just damp – water from beneath allowing him…

  • André ‘Aloe’

    André – Aloe (Aloe Vera Plant)
    Botanical name: Aloe Barbadensis
    Indoor plant – he also purifies the air.
    André doesn’t like his soil wet as the leaves hold a lot of water, only…

  • Penelope ‘Pilea’

    Penelope – Pilea (Chinese Money Plant)
    Botanical name: Pilea Peperomioides
    Indoor plant – she also purifies the air.
    Penelope doesn’t like her soil to be too wet, keep it slightly damp and water…
